The lecture held in the summer semester deals with systematic procedures for the design of combinatorial networks as well as synchronous and asynchronous switching systems. Knowledge of description and design techniques of combinatorial systems and their implementation forms is imparted in a practice-oriented manner. Starting from elementary description forms in Boolean algebra, systems are described, optimised and implemented on a logical level. Essential contents covered in the lecture are logic minimisation according to Quine-McCluskey, minimisation of synchronous and asynchronous automata, hazards and races as well as the modelling of automata with the help of equivalent Petri nets. The designed and optimised systems are mapped onto FPGAs.
Written, duration 90 min + 10 min reading time, no documents allowed. The examination is held in German. An official photo ID and a student ID must be brought to the examination, otherwise you may be excluded from the exam.
Registration and Material
Further information on this module can be found in the online course catalogue and in Stud.IP. In addition, you must register your participation in this course in Stud.IP.
Lecture and exercise material can be found under the respective course in Stud.IP.
The exercise follows the contents of the lecture and supplements them with practical application examples
Prerequisite for Participation