The lecture starts with an overview of the physiology of the human ear to understand how "hearing" functions and what causes hearing loss. Afterwards, the history of hearing aids will be briefly touched upon, and their different designs and applications will be explained. Furthermore, different algorithms which are used on digital hearing aids to improve the speech intelligibility of hearing aid users as much as possible will be explained.
The lecture is organized interdisciplinary by the Institute for Information Processing (TNT) and the Institute for Microelectronic Systems (IMS) and led by three lecturers. Usually, the lecture is extended by a guest contribution from the hearing aid industry.
The accompanying exercise covers the presented algorithms in practical MATLAB experiments to extend and consolidate the understanding.
- Hearing loss / Digital hearing aids
- Cochlear Implants
- Acoustic Signals
- Basics of audio signal processing
- Dynamic digital compression
- Acoustic Directionality
- Wind Noise
- Noise reduction algorithms
- Feedback suppression algorithms
- Sound Classification
- Binaural Signal Processing
Exam: Oral, duration 30 min, no documents allowed. An official photo ID and a student ID must be brought to the oral examination. Examination dates by arrangement.
Registration and Materials
Further information about this module can be found in the online course catalog and in Stud.IP. In addition, you must register your participation in this course in Stud.IP.
Lecture and exercise material is available under the respective course in Stud.IP.