Circuit Design Lab

In the course of this event, the students get an insight into the different phases of the design of integrated analog circuits. They master the real development process based on a concrete and current task. After an introduction to the basics of integrated circuit design (based on the prerequisite course Semiconductor Circuit Technology), all design steps for a selected circuit are carried out, for example for an operational amplifier with a power output stage or for a voltage reference. For this purpose, the students familiarize themselves with the industrial design software Cadence: circuit diagram input, circuit simulation, worst-case simulation (PVT and Monte Carlo), layout creation and layout verification.

The lab will be held in German.


The students can apply analog circuit techniques and are able to independently design and optimize basic microelectronic circuits in theory and practice. They know the parameter fluctuations of the components and can derive measures to optimize the circuit function from them. You will be able to design and create the layout of simple circuits. The students know and master the most important design methods and tools for developing analog integrated circuits (circuit diagram input, circuit simulation, layout creation and layout verification). The students are able to communicate the results in the form of intermediate and final presentations.


Group work on site and individual project work. The following design steps are each completed with a presentation:

1) concept phase,
2) circuit design,
3) layout,
4) Final presentation

Your lecturer

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernhard Wicht
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernhard Wicht