GEANT4 simulations in terms of radiation hardness of commercially available SRAM

authored by
Aymen Moujbani, Kirsten Weide-Zaage, Berthold Romer, Frank Sabath

Commercial of the shelf (COTS) SRAMS were investigated by measurements and simulation in terms of radiation hardness. For the simulations the GEANT4 tool was used. With GEANT4 it is possible to determine the different particles generated by the applied energy as well as the radiation source. It was found that the single event upsets (SEU) is related to the radiation energy, technology node and react differently for the investigated SRAM. Furthermore a possible correlation between the generated particles and the SEU was found.

Institute of Microelectronic Systems
External Organisation(s)
Wehrwissenschaftliches Institut für Schutztechnologien ABC -Schutz (WIS)
Conference contribution
Publication date
Publication status
Peer reviewed
ASJC Scopus subject areas
Computational Theory and Mathematics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Control and Systems Engineering, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Electronic version(s) (Access: Closed)